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2023 Professional Advancement Session

Grant Writing Workshop: Tips for Success from Experienced Scientists



Oliver Bogler, PhD, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland
Victoria L. Seewaldt, MD, Beckman Research Institute of The City of Hope, Duarte, California
Sanya Springfield, PhD, NCI-Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities, Bethesda, Maryland
Kristin G. Anderson, PhD, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, Washington

This session aims to provide new investigators (postdoctoral fellows and new faculty) practical tools to write competitive grants. Focus is on how to write well for grants, how to structure an aims page to help the reviewer “get” all the information you want them to, and how to write an aims page that makes a reviewer excited about your grant. We will address different types of grants from NIH (Rs, Ks, Fs etc.) as well as grants from other countries. We will also discuss Summary Statements (“pink sheets”) and have a round table where participants can network and ask experienced scientists questions about the grants they are working on.

Email pas@aacr.org with any questions.